Objective: The objective of this study is to find out the frequency of complications of locally made interlock nailing in tibia after nine months of surgery.
Material and Method:. This case series study was done from March 2004 to February 14 in the Department of Orthopedic and Trauma Postgraduate Medical Institute Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar. A total of 58 adults ( after the closure of epiphysis) patients were randomly selected provided that they have; Close diaphysial fracture of tibia which is located 7 cm below the knee joint and 4 cm above the ankle joint and fracture less than one week old.
Results: Total numbers of patients were 58. Anterior Knee pain was observed in 14(24.1%), delayed union in 10(17.2%), external of 100 rotation in 4(6.9%) and internal rotation of 50 in 1(1.7%), non union in 4(6.9%), intramedullay infection in 3(5.2%), shortening of 1 centimeter (cm) in 2(3.4), 2 cm in 1(1.7%) and 1.5 cm in 3(5.2%) cases, distal screw broken in 2(3.4%), proximal screw broken in 1(1.7%), Nail broken in 2(3.4), infection at proximal screw in 2(3.4%) and at distal screw was2(3.4%), Restriction of knee flexion in1(1.7%), Restricted ankle movements in1(1.7%), varus angulation of 100 in 1(1.7%), valgus angulation of 100 in1(1.7%), Ankle pain in 1(1.7%) and deep vein thrombosis in1(1.7%).
Conclusion: interlocking nail is considered to be the gold standard for management of tibial fracture but it is not free of complication especially knee pain and angular rotation.
Key words: Interlock nailing, Intramedullary nail, Fracture, Tibia.