In order to lessen the negative impact of high cement use on the environment, partial replacements for cement in concrete are being investigated. The purpose of this study was to examine how the fresh and hardened properties of a normal C30 concrete design were affected by the partial replacement of cement with Afara wood Saw Dust Ash (SDA). Different concrete mixes were created with a constant water-to-binder ratio of 0.45 for this reason. Cement was substituted with SDA at 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% concentrations. A series of compressive strength tests, including the rebound hammer test, tensile test, and flexural strength test, were carried out. When more SDA was substituted for cement in the concrete, the workability and compressive strength of the SDA concrete were reduced. After 28 days, the sample with 5% replacement had an optimal compressive strength of 34.09 N/mm2 for the amended concrete, which was higher than the control value of 31.17 N/mm2, indicating an increase in compressive strength of 2.92 N/mm2. Likewise, the optimum flexural strength and tensile strength of the modified concrete achieved were 5.349 MPa and 3.62 MPa, respectively, after 28 days of curing for the sample with 5% replacement. The work's experimental findings demonstrated that the SDA can be effectively used to replace up to 5% of the cement in C-30 concrete as its properties are in accordance with well-established ASTM principles for a normal C30 concrete design.
Key words: SDA Saw Dust Ash, EFC Eco Friendly Concrete, TMS Target Mean Strength, TS Terminalia superba