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AAM. 2014; 3(3-4): 122-123

Journal Watch

Editor, AAM.


Ayurveda is witnessing a new trend of challenging its own fundamentals to the rigor of science only to give them a better acceptability beyond the scope of belief. A new trend of research in Ayurveda is becoming palpable with a more space for fundamental research cutting through the conventional boundaries of clinical trials which had been in vogue in ayurveda since past few decades. This is important to understand that studying the concepts of ayurveda may have a far reaching bearing for the growth of Ayurveda as a science discipline and this may eventually help its true utilization in health care delivery. This had been debated since long that Ayurvedic biologic understanding is not really mimicking
what is understood in conventional biology and hence it is argued that it may have seeds for a more evolved human physiological understanding which are perceptible through receptor organs often more sensitively than it can be done through an instrument . Given below are a few research papers which are endorsing this newly emerging trend of research in ayurveda.

Key words: Ayurveda

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