The present study was carried out on a comprehensive collection of skulls of thirteen species of different eight orders of birds and centered mainly on the orbit. These species are: Egreta ibis, Anseranus anser, Anas platyrhynchos, Coturnix coturnix, Meleagris gallopavo, Columba livia domestica, Streptopelia decaocto, Centropus senegalensis aegyptius, Asio flammeus, Alcedo atthis, Upupa epops major, Passer montanus and Corvus ruficollis.The present study indicated that the orbit of the Centropus. senegalensis aegyptius, Streptopelia decaocto, Columba livia domestica, Asio flammeus and Corvus ruficollis is situated at the caudal end of the rostral half of the skull, more rostrally in Coturnix coturnix, Meleagris gallopavo & Passer montanus and it occupies relatively an intermediate position in Anseranus anser. However, the orbit is situated more caudally along the caudal half of the skull in Alcedo atthis, Egreta ibis, Anas platyrhynchos and Upupa epops major. In addition, the present study revealed that Asio flammeus has the smallest field of vision, while an intermediate field of vision was found in Columba livia domestica, Streptopelia decaocto and Coturnix. coturnix. The blind area in front of the head of these species was decreased and so, the bird can see well rostrally in Asio flammeus, rostolaterally in Columba livia domestica, Streptopelia. decaocto and Coturnix coturnix.
Key words: Orbit vision birds