The present study deals with identification, seasonal variations and population density of annelids and crustacean fauna in Bahr Shebeen Canal. Specimens were collected monthly from three sites during a period of one year (from June 2001 to May 2002). Ten species were recorded. Annelids were represented by two classes: (Oligochaeta and Hirudinea), two orders (Tubificidae and Rhynchobdellidae), two families: (Naididae and Glossiphonidae) and the three genera; Nais, Pristina and Helobdella. Class Crustacea was represented by one subclass (Copepoda) two orders (Cladocera and Decapoda), six families: (Chydoridae, Ilyochryptidae, Cyclopidae, Atyidae, Potamonidae and Cambaridae) and seven genera; (Chydorus, Alona, Ilyochryptus, Eucyclops, Caridina, Potamonautes and Procambarus). A correlation between seasonal variations of temperature and population density of annelids and crustacean fauna was detected. Annelids recorded maximum density in Winter and the minimum density in Autumn while Crustacea recorded the highest density denisty in Summer and the lowest one in Spring. The maximum values and numbers of species were recorded in class Crustacea and decapoda were the dominant group between the class species. Class Hirudinea dominated class Oligochata and Caridina nilotica, recorded the maximum numbers in density in all recorded species.
Key words: Bahr Shebeen Canal - Annelida- Crustacea- SEM