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Egypt. J. Exp. Biol. (Zoo.). 2012; 8(2): 393-398


Waleed I.A. Al-Obidi.


One hundred thirty patients with genital tract infections; 100 female patients (50 vaginal and 50 cervical swabs) with urethritis and cervicitis and (30) male patients complaining from urethritis. These patients were attending to private clinic of obstetric and gynecology clinic and urology clinic. High vaginal, cervical and urethral swabs were obtained from female patients and urethral swabs were obtained from male patients. Bacteriological, direct and indirect investigations were done for each specimen. The present study aimed to detect the rate of Gram positive bacteria in genital tract infections in both sexes. It was found that Gram positive bacteria are involved in the genital tract infections. Staphylococcus aureus was the first rate of isolation (60%) at age 21-40 years old, while the rate of Streptococcus feacials was 33.3% followed by Streptococcus agalactiae (23.3%) and Staphy. saprophticus (13.3%) from male patients. Bacteria isolated from the genital tract of females were Staphylococcus aureus (60%), Streptococcus agalactiae (45%), and Staphylococcus saprophticus (25%). The incidence of infection in both sexs was common at age 21-40 years. Diabetic patients were more suseptible to bacteria than non-diabetic ones. We can conclude from the present study that Gram positive bacteria were involved in male and female genital infections. Cystitis or bladder infection was the most common urinary tract infection. It occurs in the lower urinary tract (the bladder and urethra) and nearly common in women. In most cases, the infection is brief and acute and only the surface of the bladder is infected.

Key words: Urethral discharge, Vaginal discharge, Bacterial infection.

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