A total 14 Lernanthropus indicus Pillai, 1967 (Copepoda: Lernanthropidae) females have been found attached on gill filaments of two species of Carangid fishes; Megalaspis cordyla and Carangiodes malabricus, which collected from north-west Arabian Gulf. The parasite was recorded for the first time in the Arabian Gulf and Iraq, and C. malabricus and M. cordyla is considered as new hosts for this parasite in the Arabian Gulf. The identification of the parasite was confirmed by British Natural History Museum (B. N. H. M) and put it in the museum as voucher specimens under the number BMNH 2012. 229-232.
Key words: Lernanthropus, Copepoda, fish, Carangdiae, Megalaspis cordyla, Carangiodes malabricus.