Background: Gingival recession is the apical shift in the gingival margin causing denudation of the root surface. Receded gingiva can produce tooth hypersensitivity, root caries and aesthetic distress. The treatment plan
for the gingival recession should begin with non-surgical therapy. In case of hypersensitive dentin, it is ideally treated by prescribing desensitising toothpaste. If the root surface exposure causes aesthetic distress;
root coverage is the treatment of choice. Goldman introduced stimulated mucoperiosteal pedicle graft for
root coverage procedure. The concept of stimulated periosteum is used to reactivate the periosteum
by controlled surgical trauma. The reactivated periosteum will activate the progenitors in the local site in
turn helping in the regeneration.
Conclusion: This paper describes in brief the stimulation of the periosteum for activation of progenitors
during a root coverage procedure.
Key words: Stimulation, periosteum, progenitors, regeneration