Serum Resistin Levels and Metabolic Disturbances in Bipolar Disorder
Aim: Metabolic disturbances in bipolar disorder appears to be a cluster of diseases that demonstrate insulin resistance as their common etiologic factor. The role of several recently discovered adipokines such as resistin and visfatin in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance is increasingly understood. In this study we aimed to evaluate the association between serum resistin levels and metabolic syndrome in bipolar disorder.
Method: 60 euthymic bipolar I disorder patients, of 29 under mood stabilizers (MS) (lithium, valproic acid, carbamazepin and lamotrigine) treatment and of 31, under atypical antipsychotics (AA) (risperidone, quetiapine and olanzapine) treatment for at least 3 months were enrolled. Control group consisted of 27 healthy members that has similar distribution of age, sex and BMI with the patients. Resistin, glucose, triglycerides and High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) were measured in all groups.
Results: Resistin levels were significantly high in bipolar patients than the controls. However, resistin levels were not significant difference between metabolic parameters patients and controls (p>0.05).
Conclusion: Serum resistin levels are high in bipolar patients, but not found association between with metabolic disturbances and treatment modality.
Key words: Bipolar disorder, resistin, metabolic disturbance