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RMJ. 2012; 37(3): 273-276

Frequency of modifiable risk factors and their outcome in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome admitted to Cardiology Department, Khyber Teaching Hospital (KTH), Peshawar.

Amber Ashraf, Sher Bahadur Khan, Saadia Ashraf.


To determine the frequency of modifiable risk factors in patients with ACS admitted to cardiology unit KTH. To find out their outcome in relation with number of associated risk factors.
This Cross sectional study has been conducted at Cardiology Department , KTH, Peshawar. All patients who fulfill the diagnostics criteria for ACS from Mar’ 2010- Dec’ 2010 were included in our study by consecutive sampling technique.
ACS was further categorized as ST-Elevation MI(STEMI), non ST elevation MI (NSTEMI)and Unstable angina pectoris(UAP) on the basis of chest pain, ECG findings and cardiac markers.
Under these categories the risk factors of ACS were determined and analyzed with particular reference to the following variables; age, sex, socio-economic status (which could explain poor drug compliance), hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, current cigarette smoking and sedentary life style. Length of hospital stay and death due to any cause in the hospital was also noted.
A total of 1432 patients admitted to cardiac care unit and 924 were diagnosed as ACS. Out of 924 patients with ACS, 41%(382)suffered from STEMI, 20%(189) had NSTEMI and 38% (353)experienced unstable angina pectoris. ACS appears to be more common in males,58%(534) with mean age of 45±6 years than females 42%(390)with mean age 54±8 years. Diseases such as hypertension or diabetes mellitus (individual or combined) and dyslipidaemia appear to predispose to ACS. Life style habits such as sedentary lifestyle, Current cigarette smoking and low socio-economic status (associated with poor drug compliance) also appear to predispose to ACS.
There is high frequency(65%) of ACS among patients admitted to cardiology unit with low prevalence of multiple modifiable risk factors in young age group, and rapid escalation of these risk factors in age group of 45 -55 years and above, which might leads to increase morbidity and mortality in our study.

*Cardiology Department
**Pulmonology Department, Khyber Teaching Hospital, Peshawar.

Key words: Acute Coronary syndrome, modifiable risk factors, Morbidity, Mortality.

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