Five different Pleurotus species are cultivated on nonsterilized rice straw at (30+2)˚C. Smaller length of the substrate (1cm) showed better biological efficiency (BE) than the longer substrate (5cm). 20% spawn showed better efficiency than 10% spawn though spawn percentage has no effect on time of fruiting initiation. Length of the rice substrate much influenced the BE of P. pulmonarius whereas spawn percentage has more effect in P. florida than other species. The BE of P. pulmonarius and P. florida are comparable in first flush of production where 20% spawn and low substrate length are used. Early fruiting was observed in P. ostreatus followed by P. pulmonarius whereas P. floridanus showed more time requirement for initiation of fruiting. Morphometric data of fruiting body and basidium were generated. The protein, carbohydrate and polyphenol conc. were maximum in P. ostreatus and lowest in P. florida. Amount of moisture, crude fibre, ash, sodium, potassium contents are also determined in all the five species of oyster mushroom.
Key words: Biological efficiency, Fruiting body, Morphometrics, Nutriceuticals, Oyster mushroom.