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Review Article

TAF Prev Med Bull. 2010; 9(5): 523-528

Cardiovascular Nursing in Jordan: A Need for an Action



Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in developing countries are in rise. CVD burden is devastating because of onset of illnesses at younger ages, and an increase in incidence of preventable complications. The excess in consumption of health services due to mortality and morbidity associated with CVD constitutes burden on the health care systems. Jordan like other developing countries is substantially affected by CVD. Therefore, this review aims to examine the role of nurses in promoting CVD assessment, prevention and management in Jordan. Prevention at primary level is cost effective and is lifesaver. Modifiable risk factors for CVD are well known. Health promotion programs and campaigns raise public awareness of ways to adopt healthy lifestyles. Identification of high risk groups and adopting health policies to ensure implementation of screening programs helps in initiating treatments at early stage to ensure high prognosis. Even with presence of the disease, there is much that can be done. Complication can be prevented by effective management of the disease. Prevention of CVDs is multifactorial and is the responsibility of all health care providers including nurses and physicians. Nursing curricula in Jordan lack the adequate training of nurses in chronic disease prevention, in particular CVD. There is an urgent need for development and training and certification programs that are customized to prepare nurses for subspecialties such as CVD nursing, to enable nurses to meet the needs of persons with CVD.

Key words: Prevention, Cardiovascular, Morbidity, Smoking, Nursing, Developing Country

Article Language: Turkish English

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