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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 5981-5986

To Study On Work From Home Covid-19 Pandemic Situation -Its Positive & Negative Impact And Health Issue

Dr. Lakde Sheetal Deobaji.


Almost 52 week lockdown was made in India due to Covid-19 pandemic situation . Before Covid-19 generally, work is completed in an office. But Covid-19 Pandemic situation many Company, Organisation and firm adapt to the new system that is Work from home .All most employees of all sector to get benefits of work from home at first time . Work from home more convenient for employees. To study on work from home Covid-19 Pandemic Situation -its Positive & Negative Impact and health issue . The study also undertaken to get information about the weather work from home is impact on employee’s health and whether they are able to maintain the health by doing their work from home. The findings suggest that most if the employees are happy and also they are comfortable with work from home despite they are facing little bit issues during work from home. Working from home has several advantages, including save time, save money, and less travel, and it will help to minimise traffic congestion and pollution in our environment. Some employees are happy with work from home, but some are not comfortable with it. There are pros & cons with work from home for employees .

Key words: Working from home ,Positive and Negative impact , Health

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