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A questionnaire-based study to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice of Materiovigilance among health-care professionals of a tertiary care teaching hospital in Gujarat

Anjali P Bhavsar, Hiren R Trivedi.


Background: Medical devices are now an essential component of modern healthcare, providing better illness screening, diagnosis, and treatment. Every medical equipment has some level of health risk. Health-care professionals such as resident doctors, intern doctors, and nursing staff play an important role in identifying and reporting adverse events caused by medical devices.

Aim and Objective: The study aimed to evaluate Healthcare professionals’ awareness, attitudes and practices concerning Materiovigilance within a tertiary care hospital setting.

Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional questionnaire-based study done among resident doctors, intern doctors, and nursing staff of a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital. To collect the relevant data of the study variable, a self-administered Google Form-based questionnaire was created. It consists of a total of 18 questions related to KAP aspects of the Materiovigilance. The study participants were given access to the questionnaire via a digital web link using several social media platforms, and their responses were collected.

Results: A total of 147 participants responded, of which 40.1% were resident doctors, 29.9% were intern doctors, and 29.9% were nursing staff. After analysis of responded data, 50% had proper Knowledge, 77.5% had proper Attitude, and 37.4% had a proper practice of materiovigilance.

Conclusion: It was discovered that the participants in our study lacked adequate Materiovigilance knowledge and practice, but had better attitudes toward Materiovigilance. For the purpose of raising awareness and encouraging the reporting of adverse events caused by medical devices, more workshops and training programs must be held.

Key words: Adverse Events; Materiovigilance; Medical Devices; Health-care Professionals

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