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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 5971-5980

Current Trends And Role Of Physics In Medical And Biomedical Education To Improve Quality Of Life

Dr. Shilpa A. Mirikar.


The human body is made up of a number of biophysical systems that act in unison. Any disruption to this rhythm may cause the systems to collapse, eventually terminating the functions of the entire organism. Medical Physics will help us maintain a better understanding of the biophysical aspects of the human body as well as the diagnostic and therapeutic facilities available. Medical Physics will assist us in maintaining a higher standard of living for humans.
The purpose of this study is to highlight the importance of medical and biophysics education while also establishing various categories for a general educational process. There are two types of education considered: traditional schooling and higher education at the university level. The needs for the educational process of Medical Physics specialists and Medical Physics users are outlined in this area, as well as public education, which consider several aspects of considerable significance to society.
Medical Physics users and professionals need to keep up with the latest developments in the field. Adequate investment in infrastructure, as well as collaboration among professionals and educational institutions, allows for the most effective use of new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.

Key words: Medical physics, conventional, public, and education

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