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Review Article

The puzzle of pheromones in nature and their mysterious influence: a comprehensive review

Mighila Rixon, Manikantan Pappuswamy, Aditi Chaudhary, Sana Syed Ansar.


Pheromones are chemical signals that are given off by creatures to communicate with other conspecifics. Because of their influence on animal behavior and relationships throughout the animal world, pheromones have fascinated scientists for decades. The newest findings and new perspectives on the intriguing field of pheromones are synthesized in this thorough review article. We investigate the many roles played by pheromones, from mating attraction and territorial marking to alarm signaling and social organization. The chemical diversity of pheromones is explored in depth in this paper, highlighting the variety of substances used by different animals as messengers. We go over the processes involved in pheromone detection and processing to help understand how chemosensory receptors and brain circuits interact in complex ways. Additionally, we discuss the role that pheromones play in ecology and evolution by promoting speciation and adaptation. This review emphasizes both the new research on pheromones in humans as well as their function in the animal world. We investigate the data supporting human pheromones and their possible impact on social and reproductive behaviors. The review aims to offer a detailed exploration and insight into the role and effects of pheromones in the natural world. This includes examining the chemical essence of pheromones and their functionality as communication signals across different species, investigating the specificity of these chemicals to certain species and how non-specific pheromones come about, and delving into the evolution of pheromones with a focus on the physiological and evolutionary mechanisms that drive communication. Additionally, the review seeks to understand the role pheromones play in pest management, specifically how species-specific pheromones can be utilized in eco-friendly pest control strategies. It will also explore the enigmatic impact pheromones have on the behavior and interactions within and among species. Drawing from a variety of sources, such as scientific research articles, studies on pheromone evolution, and articles on pheromone application in pest management, the review aspires to synthesize existing knowledge to provide a comprehensive overview of pheromones and their intriguing influence in nature. This study intends to not only summarize existing information but also encourage further research, shedding light on these cryptic chemical signals and their tremendous influence on the biology and behavior of species. It does this by offering a comprehensive perspective on the complex world of pheromones.

Key words: Pheromones; Chemical synthesis; Molecular pathway; Synthetic Pheromone

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