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Effects of shading on spatial distribution of flower and flower abscission in field-grown three soybeans in Northern China

Liu bing, Qu De Ning.


Reproductive organ of middle node was more sensitive than that of low and high node in single soybean plant. Shading increased flowering time for three soybeans in our experiment. Flowering process of soybean have four stages: early-bloom phase, full-bloom phase, slow-bloom phase and final-bloom phase. Soybean plant has the characteristic of excessive flower production. Excessive flower produced per plant only is precondition as reproductive prosperity, that is say flower number isn’t uppermost factor determining in final survived pod number. Environmental conditions are uppermost factors determining in final survived flower and pod number. Excessive flower produced per plant only provides a basic precedent condition.

Key words: shading; pod number; node number, flower abscission

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