Background: Tubal ligation is the most common method of family planning in India. However, the increased risk of menstrual abnormalities after tubectomy has been a matter of debate since the last few years.
Objective: To compare the incidence and type of menstrual abnormalities in tubectomized and nontubectomized women.
Materials and Methods: A total of 870 women of the age group 2040 years attending outpatient departmentin General Hospital, Gohana, Haryana, India, were included in this study; 380 women were tubectomized and 490 women nontubectomized.
Result: Of 380 women, 175 (46.05%) tubectomized women (175) showed menstrual abnormalities. While, out of 490 nontubectomized women, 236 (48.16%) women showed menstrual abnormalities. The type of menstrual abnormality in these two groups was also studied.
Conclusion: Tubal ligation does not increase the risk of menstrual irregularities among women.
Key words: Menstrual abnormalities, tubectomy