In this reaserch in addition to economic growth the effects of demographic, social and another economic factors on environmental degradation are investigated in framework of Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis and under the sustainability assumption of economic growth, for 60 developing countries, during the period 19952010 using unbalanced panel data analysis. Our results show that there is an inverted U-shaped the EKC for CO2 emission, but U-shaped anti EKC for PM10. Based on these results, it could be said that environmental and energy policies need to be customized for each substance in all countries, rather to be standardized, also in the formation of environmental policies besides the economic growth the effects of social and demographic factors should be considered.
Key words: Economic growth, Environmental degradation, Environmental Kuznets Curve. JEL Classification: Q53, Q56, Q58. Article Language: EnglishTurkish