Five pepper varieties were screened for resistance to root knot nematodes. Each plant was inoculated with a single egg mass of Melodogyne spp and harvested six weeks after inoculation using the combination of values for reproductive factor (RF) and Gailing index (GE). The screened pepper varieties were labeled resistant, susceptible or tolerant to Melodogyne spp. The resistant variety was Goliath, (Capsicum anum), the susceptible were Rodo (Capsicum chinense), tatase, (Capsicum frutenscens) Bawa (Capsicum baccatum) and Sombo (Capsicum germplas) which were rated tolerant. The results revealed that the susceptible varieties were more than the resistant varieties. The results indicated the potential availability of root stocks to the root knot nematode on peppers. The Goliath which proved resistant could be useful in management of root knot nematode infestation in major pepper growing areas in Aliero. The study could be used as baseline information for the selection of appropriate scions and root stocks combinations in future root knot nematode management using resistant root stocks.
Key words: Capsicum, Nematodes, Root knot, Susceptible, Resistant