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Ventilation with a full face mask in rhinoplasty: A new method

Erdinc Koca, Cigdem Firat Koca.


Effectual mask ventilation is necessary for confident airway administration in the course of general anesthesia. Following septoplasty procedures, nasal packing is often utilized and after rhinoplasty operations, plaster is often used on the nose. A face mask cannot be used to ventilate the patient after the rhinoplasty operation. We aimed to evaluate the efficacy of full face mask as an alternative in these patients. Our study was conducted a prospective study. 69 patients were included in this present study. After extubation, one group was ventilated using an oral mask, while the other group was ventilated using a full face mask. A numerically significance was detected in terms of the distribution of cough status according to the groups (p=0.046). Additionally, a numerically significance was detected in terms of agitation status according to the groups (p=0.046). A numerically significance was determined between the oral mask and full face mask groups in terms of SpO2 values at the 1st minute after extubation (p=0.001). We believe that the use of full face masks in ventilation after rhinoplasty is advantageous compared to the use of oral masks.

Key words: Full face mask, oral mask, rhinoplasty

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