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The effect on the incidence of rebound pain of the application of anterior suprascapular nerve block added to interscalene brachial plexus block for shoulder surgery: A randomized controlled study

Tayfun Et, Muhammet Korkusuz, Rafet Yarimoglu, Umman Menendi.


This study aimed to compare the incidence of rebound pain applied with anterior suprascapular nerve block (ASSB) added to interscalene brachial plexus block (ISB) as postoperative analgesia in shoulder surgery. This prospective, observer-blinded, randomized study involved 60 patients who were to undergo shoulder surgery. The patients were divided into two groups: group ISB (n=30) received ISB block, while group ISB+ASSB (n=30) received ASSB in addition to ISB. The primary outcome was to determine the occurrence of rebound pain. Secondary outcomes were numerical rating scale (NRS) values of postoperative pain at 6, 8, 12, 16, 18, 24, and 48 hours, 48-hour opioid consumption, sleep scale for the postoperative night and subsequent 6 nights, and the quality of recovery (QoR) scale evaluated on postoperative days 1 and 7. No statistically significant difference was found between the ISB group (56.7%) and the ISB+ASSB group (40%) in the incidence of rebound pain following the resolution of peripheral nerve block (PNB) (p=0.196). The ISB+ASSB group had a significantly longer time to PNB wear off (14.77±2.07 ) compared to the ISB group (12.87±1.94) (p=0.001). The postoperative day 1 QoR-15 values were significantly better in the ISB+ASSB group (122.60±10.79) than in the ISB group (116.33±11.48) (p=0.031). Sleep evaluation on the postoperative night showed a significant difference between the groups; ISB+ASSB (3[2-3])–ISB (2[1-3]). The addition of ASSB to ISB did not have a sufficient effect with respect to the incidence of postoperative rebound pain following shoulder surgery. However, there was seen to be a positive effect on prolonging the PNB and on the QoR day 1 values.

Key words: Pain management, postoperative pain, rebound pain, shoulder surgery

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