This study examines the impact of macroeconomic shocks, represented by exchange rate volatility, on inflation expectations. Using data for the period 2006:04-2023:11 and the structural VAR method, the analysis examines the direct effect of macroeconomic shocks on short-term inflation expectations and the indirect effect on long-term inflation expectations. The results have shown that macroeconomic shocks have a direct effect on short-term inflation expectations and an indirect effect on long-term inflation expectations via short-term inflation expectations, which is referred to in the literature as the pass-through effect and shows that the uncertainty channel is active. Our results suggest that the Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye (CBRT), which wants to keep short- and long-term inflation expectations under control, should also take into account macroeconomic shocks, represented by exchange rate shocks, when determining policy instruments.
Key words: Inflation expectations, SVAR, Pass-through, Uncertainty, The Turkish economy. JEL Codes: E31, E52, E58. Article Language: EnglishTurkish