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Systematic Review

JHSPE. 2024; 4(1): 1-12


Dr. Shikha Solanki,Dr. Jigar Mehta,Dr. Nirav Vaghela.

Cited by 0 Articles

Introduction: In chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients, there is respiratory muscle weakness and to train that muscle, there are various techniques present. One of the techniques of inspiratory muscle training (IMT) is using pressure threshold device. The use of this device is not well established and also there are a very few researches regarding IMT and COPD in India. So, this thorough literature search is conducted to extend the knowledge base regarding the effectiveness of inspiratory muscle training using pressure threshold device in COPD patients as it is less evident in India.

Methodology: By using various search engines - PUBMED, MEDLINE, GOOGLE SCHOLAR, RESEARCH GATE, CLINICALKEY, SPINGER, 30 articles were analyzed that were published in past10 years.
Result: 8-week of IMT in COPD patients shows the improvement in Inspiratory muscle strength & endurance, walking Distance measured with 6-minute walk test, Exercise Capacity, different scales of dyspnea. Improvement can be seen in all component but mainly Psychological & physical component of the Quality of life.

Conclusion: After reviewing the researches, the conclusion is, IMT in COPD patients improved the inspiratory muscle strength and endurance lead to less fatigue which improve the exercise capacity and dyspnea and due to that patient is having less restrictions in day-to-day life and hence improve quality of life and health status. So, this practice of inspiratory muscle training is recommended in pulmonary rehabilitation in COPD patients.

Key words: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Inspiratory muscle training, Threshold device, Respiratory muscle weakness

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