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Original Article

Med Arch. 2023; 77(6): 433-439

Serum Thrombomodulin Level Can Predict Mortality in Patients With Sepsis?

Nguyen Van Tri Nguyen, Hong Ngoc Nguyen-Phan, Bui Bao Hoang.


Background: Thrombomodulin (TM) is a type-1 trans-membrane glycoprotein on endothelial cells which is known to be involved in various biochemical pathways. TM can be detected in biological fluids such as blood and urine under many forms. Soluble thrombomodulin (sTM), consist of various particles of TM, is the predominant agent which is created by enzymatic or chemical catalysis of the whole protein under divergent conditions. TM plays a vital role in protein C system and is crucial in the pathogenesis of Sepsis. Objective: To identify the serum level of soluble thrombomodulin (sTM) in groups of patients: sepsis and septic shock including their survival and fatal in-hospital outcome; and validate the death prediction of serum sTM in patients with sepsis. Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted in 63 patients who were diagnosed with sepsis, septic shock according to Sepsis 3 criteria at the ICU Department of Hue Central Hospital, Vietnam, from 3/2022 to 3/2023. Results: Twenty participants developed septic shock (30.2%), 22 patients complicated with acute renal failure that necessitated renal replacement therapy (34.9%), 30 patients required mechanical ventilation (47.6%), the median length of ICU stay was 8 (3-28) days. Serum level of lactate and creatinine were significantly higher in septic shock group compared with sepsis and survival group (p

Key words: Sepsis, septic shock, thrombomodulin.

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