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A study on knowledge, perception and acceptance of COVID-19 vaccines among adolescents attending Medical College, Kolkata

Pratibha Das, Dibyendu Raychaudhuri, Meghali Marak, Pushpak Das.


Background: This research attempted to understand adolescents aged 12 years and above's knowledge, perception, and acceptance of COVID-19 vaccines given their limited understanding of the virus and the need for vaccination. This is because the MOHFW introduced vaccines for adolescents aged 12 years and above in March 2022.

Aim and Objectives: The study aimed to evaluate knowledge and perception of COVID-19 vaccines among adolescents aged 12–19 at the Adolescent Clinic of Medical College, Kolkata, and to determine their acceptance of the vaccines, as well as any relationships between the variables.

Materials and Methods: An observational descriptive epidemiological study was conducted through a cross-sectional survey at the Adolescent Clinic of Medical College, Kolkata, for 2 months among adolescents attending the clinic aged 12–19 years through systematic random sampling with a sample size of 110. Interview of the study participants was done with a pre-designed, pre-tested semistructured data collection form.

Results: 42.73% of participants did not have knowledge regarding the number of covid vaccines approved for their age. 51.82% had no knowledge regarding the approved gap between doses of COVID-19 vaccine for their age. 63.64% had no knowledge regarding the presence of contraindications for taking the vaccine. 49.09% of participants had no knowledge regarding digital application for vaccination registration. 65.45% had perception that the vaccine would protect them from COVID-19 infection. 55.44% had the perception that COVID-19 vaccines would control the pandemic. Seventy percent were vaccinated and 30% unvaccinated. Among vaccinated participants, 44.16% were partially vaccinated and 55.84% were completely vaccinated during the time of the study.

Conclusion: Some of the participants had less knowledge regarding many aspects related to the COVID-19 vaccines. To avoid the persistence of the same, adequate and scientifically sound knowledge should have been imparted at both school and household levels.

Key words: Knowledge; Perception; Acceptance; COVID-19; Vaccines, Adolescents

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