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Case Report

EJMCR. 2024; 8(2): 26-32

Multidisciplinary Approach for Treating Vertical Ridge Defect: Case Report

Salah Nasser Alokaili, Shahad Ahmed Alquraishi.


Background: The outcomes of trauma may have a ridge defect, and it would be hard to replace it with a simple dental implant treatment technique. In some cases, horizontal and vertical bone augmentation therapy is needed for implant placement.
Case presentation: The case report described a 24-year-old female diagnosed with a severe bony defect and was managed in collaboration with an orthodontic and periodontic treatment plan. Alveolar bone augmentation was approached using Misch’s fashion, an autogenous block graft harvested from intra-oral (ramus). Moreover, Khoury’s split bone block technique was applied to reconstruct the seat.
Conclusion: For complicated abnormalities, autogenous bone is still the best choice. Autogenous bone is the gold standard for bone grafting due to its biocompatibility, absence of antigenicity, and osteoconductive and osteoinductive qualities. Further graft extenders or growth factors may result in better outcomes.

Key words: Vertical Ridge Defect, Treatment, Augmentation, Autogenous graft.

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