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Original Research

PBS. 2024; 14(2): 116-124

Problem Solving Skills and Internet Addiction in Gifted Children

Mehmet Enes Sağar, Yiğit Şenol, Selda Koca, Fatma Betül Şenol.


Objective: Internet addiction, which has become a problem of all ages, threatens the mental health of gifted children by affecting different developmental areas of their lives. However, the characteristic features of gifted children, such as high problem-solving skills, are a protective factor in the emergence of internet addiction behavior. In this direction, it is aimed to examine the effect of gifted children's problem solving skills on internet addiction.
Methods: Structural Equation Model was used in the study. The study group consists of children with general talents who are attending a Science and Art Center in the Inner Aegean region of Turkey. Internet Addiction Scale and Problem Solving Inventory for Children were used as data collection tools. The Pearson correlation coefficient was used to evaluate the correlation. To evaluate the fit of the Structural Equation Model, statistically insignificant Chi-square (p>0.05), Chi-square and degrees of freedom ratio being less than 2, the comparative fit index, the Tucker -Lewis Index and Incremental fit index greater than 0.95 and RMSEA value less than 0.08 were accepted.
Results: The model that met these conditions was accepted as a compatible model. According to the result of the structural equation model; high problem solving skills decreased internet addiction.
Conclusion: The results show that the problem solving skills of gifted children are effective on internet addiction. Gifted children are aware of the problems and can cope with internet addiction problems before they occur. Although the internet addiction levels of gifted children were low in the study, it is noteworthy that even low-level addiction affects the problem solving skills of gifted children. Therefore, in order to prevent internet addiction, which is a problem experienced by all individuals, gifted children should develop their problem solving skills.

Key words: Internet addiction, problem solving skills, gifted children, self control

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