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Prescription pattern of anti-asthmatic drugs for adults in asthma outpatient department in a tertiary care hospital

Narendra Babu S.


Background: Various groups of drugs are prescribed for the management of bronchial asthma. Choosing correct group is necessary for compliance and good outcome.

Aims and Objectives: The aims and objectives of the study are to know the prescribing pattern of anti-asthmatic drugs for adults.

Materials and Methods: 500 asthma patients prescription were analyzed from the MMC/RGGGH, Chennai.

Results: 654 prescriptions were screened and 500 prescriptions were taken for data analysis. The data showed 67% men and 33% women. Most of them received combination therapy (85%) than monotherapy (15%). Beta 2 agonists (salbutamol) formed major anti-asthmatic group (68%). Steroids group formed next (47%). Deriphyllin was prescribed for 108 patients (22%), cetrizine (anti-histamine) for 55 patients (11%), and montelukast (leukotriene antagonists) for 45 patients (9%). About 76% patients took oral tablet and 24% took inhalers.

Conclusion: β 2 agonists were preferred more than steroids group. Combination therapy is given more than monotherapy. Majority patients in our study were given oral route when compared to inhalational route.

Key words: Prescription Pattern; Anti-asthmatic Drug; Adults

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