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RMJ. 2024; 49(4): 851-854

Patterns of suicides and self-harm in patients who were registered with a medicolegal center in a tertiary care hospital

Mansoor Ali, Rabail Altaf, Haya Afzal Memon, Muhammad shafique Soomro, Pushpa, Pardeep Kumar.


Objective: To explore regional variations in suicidal behavior and assess patterns of suicide and self-harm among patients registered with medicolegal centers at a tertiary care hospital in Pakistan.
Methodology: This retrospective study was undertaken at the department of the Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Gambat Medical College, PSAQSJIMS Gambat and PUMHS, Nawab shah, from January to July 2023. Demographic details, the nature and method of self-harm or suicide, and any underlying psychological or situational factors were recorded.
Results: Out of 163 cases, 105 (64.4%) were male and 58 (35.6%) females. The most prevalent age group was 25-35 years, predominantly male. Many participants had limited education, with a significant portion being either unemployed (31.9%) or students (28.8%). A majority (63.2%) resided in rural areas. We found that 7.4% reported self-harm or suicide attempts. Notably, 32.5% had a history of mental illness, and 15.3% had a history of drug abuse. Main motives for suicide included financial reasons (38.7%), domestic conflicts (9.2%), mental illness (20.9%), workplace/business-related stress (12.9%), exam failure (14.1%), and physical health concerns (4.3%).
Conclusion: Despite limitations such as a small sample size, the findings offer valuable insights into demographic and psychosocial factors associated with suicide in Pakistan. They emphasize the need to enhance surveillance systems and tailor interventions for at-risk populations, particularly in rural areas, to address this critical public health issue.

Key words: Suicide, self-harm, medicolegal, hanging, domestic abuse.

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