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Research Article

An assessment of factors affecting productivity and production limitations of wheat farming in Kanchanpur district of Nepal

Kamal Kafle, Pankaj Prasad Joshi.


Despite possessing considerable prospective for wheat cultivation, productivity in Kanchanpur remains lower compared to that of neighboring districts like Kailali, Banke, Kapilbastu, and Rupendehi which share similar meteorological conditions. The primary objective of this study is to investigate the influential variables affecting wheat production and to determine the associated challenges inherent in wheat cultivation within the area of the Kanchanpur district. Given the substantial prospects for wheat farming in this geographic region, the Kanchanpur district was purposively selected, and research was conducted during March and April of 2022. Through a simple random sampling technique, one hundred households of wheat farmers were systematically chosen. Primary data were collected through the utilization of pre-tested semi-structured questionnaires administered via face-to-face interviews, while secondary data were sourced from pertinent journals. The factors influencing wheat production were determined through the application of a multiple regression model. The findings of this research underscore that variables such as the quantity of applied NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium), the educational level of the household head, the extent of wheat-cultivated land with irrigation facilities, and the farmers' years of experience in the field exerted a significant positive influence on wheat production in the study area. To identify the major constraints in wheat production, an indexing method was applied. The research identifies the unavailability of chemical fertilizer during critical growth periods, challenges arising from damage caused by wild animals and stray cattle, the lack of access to improved seeds and irrigation, susceptibility to diseases and pests, and inadequate market access as a major constraint affecting wheat production in the research area.

Key words: Indexing, Multiple regression model, Simple random sampling, Wheat productivity.

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