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Original Article

Med Arch. 2015; 69(1): 46-48

Insulin Resistance in Early Vs Late Nutrition and Complications of Sirs in Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

Kliti Pilika, Enver Roshi.


Background: Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) is a common complication in neurosurgical diseases in Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Because of associated insulin resistance (IR) the ICU is in dilemma in which stage to start the nutrition to patients and what is the amount of Insulin Unit to control the hyperglycemia. Aim: to define the IR and to compare IR and amount of insulin among ICU patients in “Mother Theresa” University Hospital Center (MTUHC) in Tirana Albania. Methods: 154 patients with neurosurgical disease and SIRS complications were randomized in two groups: early nutrition 73 patients (47%) and late nutrition 81 (53%) and compared for a number of variables. Results: There was no statistical age and gender difference between the two groups (P>0.05). The amount of insulin units to control the level of glycemia (80-110 mg/dc) was 12.8±7 unit per day in early nutrition and 23.8 ±12.9 units in late nutrition group (p

Key words: Insulin resistance, early nutrition, late nutrition, neurosurgical complication, Intensive care unit, Albania.

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