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Review Article

Medicinal properties, phytochemistry, and pharmacology of Myristicaceae family: A review

Megawati Megawati, Akhmad Darmawan, Sumi Hudiyono.


The Myristicaceae family has 500 species, divided into 3 genera: Myristica, Knema, and Horsfieldia. These species are distributed across tropical Asia, Africa, and America. This plant has active ingredients, including polyketides and lignans, which have a range of biological properties such as anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-microbial. This review aims to examine the variety of biological activities and chemical structures of the bioactive chemicals present in the Myristicaceae family from across the globe.

Key words: Keywords: Myristicaceae, myristica, knema, horsfieldia, bioactivites

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