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Factors associated with in-hospital mortality and morbidity of patients with dissection of aorta type A, undergoing repair surgery

Behnam Askari, Behzad Rahimi, Sima Masudi, Sirvan Mohammadian, Kiana Askari, Reza Hajizadeh.


Aim: Acute aortic dissection type A (AADA) is a life-threatening emergency with high mortality rates. Surgical intervention is the preferred and potentially life-saving treatment, but perioperative mortality remains a significant concern. Identifying the risk factors associated with surgical mortality, morbidity, and survival rates is essential. Therefore, this study aimed to characterize the preoperative and intraoperative risk factors for death during surgical repair of AADA.
Material and Methods: We included 64 consecutive patients who underwent surgical repair between April 2013 and March 2021 in a tertiary heart center. Perioperative characteristics and variables were collected and analyzed to find any correlation between them and in-hospital Outcomes.
Results: Aortic dissection surgery was performed on an average of 8 patients annually, accounting for approximately 1.7% (64/3757) of all open-heart surgery cases. The in-hospital mortality rate was 28% (18/64). The main predisposing factors for in-hospital death were cardiac failure (11.1%), stroke (16.7%), uncontrollable hemorrhage (27.8%), renal failure (11.1%), respiratory failure (11.1%), and postoperative multi-organ failure (22.2%). We found no associations between cardiopulmonary bypass duration and mortality. During the routine use of cerebral protective perfusion, we did not encounter any cases of coma. Left ventricular hypertrophy, a short distance of intimal tear to the aortic valve, and renal failure were associated with postoperative bleeding tendency.
Conclusion: Our study showed that multiple factors such as heart failure, uncontrolled bleeding, and respiratory failure increase in-hospital mortality of patients with dissection of aorta type A, but duration of surgery does not have any association with in-hospital death.

Key words: Aortic dissection type A, surgery, mortality, risk factors

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