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Review Article

Open Vet J. 2024; 14(4): 941-951

African swine fever virus proteins against host antiviral innate immunity and their implications for vaccine development

Fredmoore L. Orosco.

Cited by 0 Articles

African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) poses a significant threat to global swine populations, necessitating a profound understanding of viral strategies against host antiviral innate immunity. This review synthesizes current knowledge regarding ASFV proteins and their intricate interactions with host defenses. Noteworthy findings encompass the modulation of interferon signaling, manipulation of inflammatory pathways, and the impact on cellular apoptosis. The implications of these findings provide a foundation for advancing vaccine strategies against ASFV. In conclusion, this review consolidates current knowledge, emphasizing the adaptability of ASFV in subverting host immunity. Identified research gaps underscore the need for continued exploration, presenting opportunities for developing targeted vaccines. This synthesis provides a roadmap for future investigations, aiming to enhance our preparedness against the devastating impact of ASFV on global swine populations.

Key words: African swine fever virus, Antiviral innate immune response, Virulence factors, Pathogenicity, Vaccine development

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