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J App Pharm Sci. 2015; 5(8): 126-130

Evaluation of anti asthmatic activity of hydro alcoholic extract of Citrullus colocynths and Cucumis trigonus fruits

Anil Kumar Raju, Banappa S. Unger, Kirankumar Hullatti, Madhusudhan Telagari.


The present study aimed to evaluate the anti-asthmatic activity of the hydro-alcoholic extract of Citrullus colocynths and Cucumis trigonus (Cucurbitaceae) fruits on Ovalbumin induced Asthma in rats. Extracts were prepared with 70% v/v ethanol using cold maceration followed by Soxhlation. Hydro alcoholic extract (200 and 400 mg/kg) of both fruits were evaluated for anti asthmatic activity on ovalbumin induced Asthma in rats with the help of parameters like, absolute eosinophil count in BALF, total leukocyte count in the BALF, absolute eosinophil count in the Blood, IgE antibodies in serum and histopathological findings of lungs. Both plants were showed significant anti asthmatic activity (p < 0.001) with dose of 200 & 400 mg/kg when compared with disease group and obtained results were almost similar to that of normal group. With the same dose, C. colocynths was shown better anti asthmatic activity than C. trigonus. Hence, further detailed studies are required to evaluate the efficacy of these plants on anti-asthmatic activity.

Key words: ovalbumin, Total leukocyte count, Absolute eosinophil count

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