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IJMDC. 2024; 8(2): 560-565

Prevalence and associated risk factors of STEMI and NSTEMI at NGHA Cardiac Center, Riyadh

Mohammed Balghith, Abdullah Mohammed Alsubaie, Malek Sultan Alshammari, Moayad Rajab Alzahrani, Mohammed Hassan Alawad, Sultan Mohammed Alamri, Bandar Abdulaziz Aljehaiman.


Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are a global health concern, and their incidence has been on the rise in the Middle East due to lifestyle changes and risk factors. Each year, millions of people suffer from ST-elevation Myocardial infarction (STEMI) and Non-ST-elevation Myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), both of which are associated with high morbidity and mortality rates. This study aimed to explore the prevalence and associated risk factors of STEMI and NSTEMI.
This retrospective cross-sectional observational study investigates the associated risk factors for STEMI and NSTEMI in cardiac patients. Utilizing patient data extracted from electronic medical records (EMRs) of a tertiary care hospital's cardiac care unit, dependent variables, and independent variables were recorded.
Out of the 363 cardiac patients, gender strongly influenced diagnosis, with males more likely to have STEMI (17.2%) and females having NSTEMI (83.18%). Hypertension and hyperlipidemia were also significantly associated (95.31% HTN, 91.73% HPL). Smoking displayed no significant association. Diabetes Mellitus (DM), particularly when accompanied by obesity, was significantly associated with NSTEMI (89.70% DM with obesity). Obesity alone did not show significance. Previous PCI and CABG did not significantly predict diagnosis. Age strongly influenced diagnosis, with the 61-80 age group predominantly diagnosed with NSTEMI (55.81%).
Gender, HTN, HPL, DM (especially when considering obesity), and age group appear to be strong predictors, while smoking, obesity alone, and a history of previous PCI or CABG do not have significant effects on admission diagnosis.

Key words: Acute coronary syndrome, STEMI, NSTEMI, hypertension, dyslipidemia, obesity, CABG, PCI.

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