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Application of two-level factorial design in optimization of maceration extraction of Curcuma longa curcuminoids extracts

Rudi Heryanto, Siti Sa’diah, Waras Nurcholis.


A two-level factorial design was used to identify extraction factors that could improve Curcuma longa rhizome extraction yield (EY) and curcuminoid content (CC). These extraction factors included solid/liquid ratio (A: 0.10– 0.20 g/mL), ethanol concentration (B: 50–70%), and time maceration (C: 3–6 h). Under the prevailing circumstances, the yield of extract and CC varied from 2.86% to 20.90% and from 1.80% to 21.59%, respectively. The findings indicated that all three parameters were statistically significant (P < 0.05) in contributing to increase EY. The increase in CC was significantly influenced by ethanol concentration alone. Therefore, these findings suggest that adjusting the solid/liquid ratio, ethanol concentration, and maceration time can enhance the efficiency of curcuminoid extraction from C. longa rhizomes.

Key words: Curcuminoids, Curcuma longa L., Factorial design, Maceration

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