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The Importance of Biological Samples and Toxicological Analysis in Suspected Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome (MbPS) Cases [Munchausen by Proxy Sendromu (MbPS) Şüphesi olgularında Biyolojik Örneklerin ve Toksikolojik Analizin Önemi]

Zeynep Turkmen, Selda Mercan, Can Calici, Serkan Turkdogru, Neylan Ziyalar.


As a kind of child abuse MbPS cases are the forensics ones, in which illness is produced and/or simulated by an adult, particularly parent or someone who is in loco parentis, to gain interest. By interest mentioned here is not pecuniary but providing psychological and emotional needs like getting attention insatiably and coexisting with the healthcare professionals. Because of the sentimental connection between child and the adult (particularly the mother), it is complicated to prove and demonstrate this kind of child abuse with evidences in these cases. Besides health care profesionals are responsible to inform judicial authorities in case any criminal suspicion. In MbPS cases, if the illness is produced and/or simulated via active subtance of a medicine, it makes serious contribution to get biological samples from victim for toxicological analysis to diagnose the maltreatment. This review is aimed to manifest the difference between unintended drug intoxication by negligence and MbPS cases, also create awareness about the importance of collecting biological evidence and using appropriate analysis methods in mentioned incidents.

Key words: Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome, biological sample, toxicology, criminal responsibility

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