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Review Article

IJMDC. 2024; 8(2): 841-845

A Comprehensive Review of the Techniques and Outcomes of Various Maxillary Expansion Approaches

Safa Jambi, Shaimaa Aly Ibrahim Salem, Wejdan Ayesh Alanazi, Raghad Majed Alwusaydi, Raghad Saad Alenezi, Hadeer Olayan Alruwaili, Shadia Abdelhameed Elsayed.


The present comprehensive review focuses on maxillary expansion techniques, with a particular emphasis on Rapid Maxillary Expansion (RME). The study aims to compare the effectiveness, stability, and various techniques in adults with skeletal maxillary transverse discrepancies. The review discusses maxillary expansion concepts, appliances, forces, mechanisms, and the dental, skeletal, and nasal impacts. It also examines the challenges associated with traditional RME in adult patients and explores advancements in surgical procedures to address these challenges. The current review emphasizes Surgically Assisted Maxillary Expansion (SARME) as a successful and more stable treatment approach for adults requiring palatal expansion, minimizing tooth tipping, and optimizing skeletal correction.

Key words: Maxillary, expansion, surgery, orthodontic.

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