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Research Article

Effect of pre and post COVID-19 period on glycemic control in type-2 diabetic patients: An observational study

Dr. Ranakishor Begum Pelluri,Dr. Bharani Bellam,Gowthami MRSC Arikatla,Venkata Jagadeesh Guntur,VanithaRani Murthy Nagasubramanian.

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Objective To evaluate glycemic levels and other metabolic indices during pre- and post-COVID-19 periods among the type-2 diabetes patients. Methods A cross sectional observational study was conducted in Ramesh hospital, Guntur, India. The purposive sample was collected in the medical ward to evaluate the glycemic consistency during pre and post covid time. Results A total of 50 diabetics subjects’ data were collected, of which 31(62%) were retrospective and 19(38%) were prospective. Nearly, 80% of the subjects are age ranges from 41-60 years. The duration of diabetes was 8.19 ±6.70 years. The majority of subjects were overweight. A significant glycemic difference was noticed between pre and post covid, glycemic parameters such as fasting, postprandial glucose levels and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) (P

Key words: Glycemic parameters, COVID-19, Secondary infections, Steroids

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