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Research Article

EEO. 2023; 22(4): 1-13

The Manifestations Of Animal Kindness Through The Books Of Hisbah

Dr. Farida chichi.


The Islamic religion has urged us to the phenomenon of kindness, mercy, and kindness, in many situations and in the Quran and Sunnah there are various indications, and many books have dealt with the phenomenon of kindness, whether in humans or animals, including the books of Hisbah, whether in the East or the Maghreb area , and I will try in this study to address this part, which is a study The phenomenon of kindness through the books of Al-Hisbah, which noted this in many subjects, as well as emphasized the necessity of being kind to animals, as well as human beings, by protecting their rights, so I tried to clarify these aspects in this brief research.

Key words: Hisbah, authorship in the Hisbah , animal welfare, human kindness.

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