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Optimization of Bacillus subtilis PW12 biomass production using RSM: a preliminary study towards single-cell protein production for aquaculture

Merin Gracious, S Nandakumar.


Bacillus subtilis strains are extensively integrated into aquafeeds, serving either as probiotics or single-cell proteins, due to their proven nutritional advantages for farmed fish. However, low biomass yields and high production costs limit their usefulness as microbial proteins in aquafeeds. Hence, a pioneering effort was made to statistically optimize the growth medium for enhancing the biomass production of a beneficial aquaculture probiotic bacterium, B. subtilis PW12, which holds potential for contributing to the production of high-value additives for aquaculture diets. Plackett- Burman Design was used for the primary screening of nutrient components and culture conditions. Four of the eleven variables investigated in the PBD, such as soya peptone, glucose, pH, and inoculum size, had a significant influence on the biomass production of the bacteria. These factors were further optimized by using the Central Composite Design and Response Surface Methodologies. The predicted biomass yield was 14.19 g/L, whereas the obtained biomass yield as dry cell weight was 14.29 ± 0.23 g/L. A glucose and soya peptone-based medium demonstrated efficacy in promoting both growth and nutritional enrichment of the target bacteria. Furthermore, this optimized medium facilitated the attainment of high cell density, a critical factor for the future production of quality microbial products tailored for aquaculture applications.

Key words: Biomass yield, B. subtilis MTCC10402, Central Composite Design (CCD), Microbial protein, Plackett- Burman Design(PBD)

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