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Correlation of body mass index and cardiovascular reactivity to exercise-induced stress in young adults

Glad Mohesh, Ajith Prasath.

Cited by 1 Articles

Background: Cardiovascular reactivity (CVR) is an increase in heart rate and blood pressure when exposed to stress. Increased CVR due to stress is an indicator of developing hypertension. In this study, we explored to know if exaggerated CVR and obesity are related to each other.

Objective: (1) To understand the correlation between body mass index (BMI) and CVR in normotensive young adults. (2) To compare the changes on the cardiovascular parameters, such as heart rate, blood pressure, stiffness index, reflection index, and pulse transit time, before and after exercise.

Materials and Methods: Institutional ethics committee (human studies) clearance was obtained and a convenient sampling of 32 women and 32 men was done based on their age (>18 to

Key words: Cardiovascular reactivity, heart rate variability, exercise

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