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Prevalence and morphometric studies on porcine cysticercosis in Adamawa State, Nigeria

Abdullahi Abubakar Biu & J Ijudai.


Porcine cysticercosis is emerging as a serious agricultural and public health problem in African countries. A study on the prevalence and morphometric of porcine cysticercosis was conducted at post mortem using palpation and incision technique of routine meat inspection. Out of the 247 slaughter pigs examined at post mortem, 8(3.2%) were infected and of this number 5(2.7%) were males and 3(5.1%) were females. Infection was more common in the Hampshire breed 7(3.5%), than the black Ashanti 1(3.3%). The Landrace breed had no infection. A total of 760 cysts were removed from infected animals. Out of this number, 261(34.3%) were removed from the shoulder muscle, 189 (24.9%) from the masseters, 176 (23.2%) from the tongue and 134 (17.3%) were removed from the heart respectively. 5 (0.65%) of the cyst were matured and 755 (99.34%) were immature. A total of 632 (83.2%) were viable while 128 (16.8%) were non-viable. Cyst morphometry indicated an overall mean ± SD (range) of 8.8±1.0(5-12) by 5.4±1.1(3-7) mm. Cysts from the shoulder had a mean ± SD (range) (length x breadth in mm) of 7.6±8.7(5-11) by 4.4±8.8(3-6) while those from the masseters were 7.8±6.9(6-12) by 4.7 ± 3.8 (4-6), tongue 8.7 ± 2.9 (6-12) by 5.7±2.6(4-6), and heart 8.6±3.5(5-12) by 5.3±3.7(3-7). The mean ±SD (range) number of hooks counted was 4.4±0.4 (4-6). This study has confirmed the presence of Cysticercus cellulosae and its morphological characteristics, which are useful aids in providing diagnostic and public health alerts.

Key words: Keywords: Porcine, Cysticercosis, Prevalence, Morphometry, Nigeria

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