Edema is a reliable parameter to evaluate the anti-inflammatory process. Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) fruit has been shown to decrease inflammation. However, studies on the impact of noni juice on gastric mucosal injury are still limited. Thus, the current study aimed to assess the effect of noni fruit juice as an anti-inflammatory agent in rat paw edema and gastric mucosal injury. The rats were divided into five groups such as control, carrageenan only, carrageenan and diclofenac sodium, carrageenan and 90% noni, and carrageenan + 100% noni. Paw edema was measured, and histopathological examination of the gastric tissues was performed. The administration of noni juice significantly reduced paw edema in the carrageenan + 90% noni and carrageenan + 100% noni groups of rats. Compared to the carrageenan + diclofenac sodium group, the carrageenan + 90% noni and carrageenan + 100% noni groups were not significantly different in reducing paw edema. It suggests that the administration of noni juice can reduce paw edema with the same potential as diclofenac sodium. Gastric mucosal injury in the carrageenan + diclofenac sodium group (scores 2 to 3) was higher than in the carrageenan + 90% noni and carrageenan + 100% noni groups (scores 1 to 2), both of them had significant differences (p
Key words: Anti-inflammatory agent, Gastric mucosal injury, Noni fruit juice, Paw edema