Carcinoma en cuirasse is a rare variety of cutaneous metastasis. We report a case of carcinoma en cuirasse in a 55 years old female who presented with loss of volume and nipple-areolar complex of right breast with pus formation along with diffuse erythema and scaly nodular lesions around the right breast, in axilla, neck, epigastrium and left anterior abdominal wall. The nodular and ulcerating lesions also involved the right nipple and peri-areloar region. There was bilateral diffuse infestation with maggots. Examination revealed a lump in upper-outer quadrant of right breast. Histo-pathological examination of the cutaneous nodules and fine needle aspiration cytology of the right breast lump showed features of infiltrating ductal cell carcinoma along with carcinoma en cuirasse. We should not ignore papular, scaly, confluent lesions and indurated patches on the breast rather they should be investigated carefully.
Key words: Carcinoma en cuirasse, breast cancer, infiltrating ductal cell carcinoma.