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Research Article

IJLSAS. 2022; 4(3): 40-45

Effect of non-genetic factors on biochemical parameters of Bakerwali goat

Rameez Zarger, D. Kumar, D.Chakraborty and V. Mahajan.


The study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of non-genetic factors on hematological and
biochemical parameters in Bakerwali goat of Jammu & Kashmir. The blood samples for the study were
collected in two different seasons i.e. summer and winter. Blood samples from 51 animals of Doda district
and from 53 animals of Jammu district were collected during the months of August and January
respectively. The various hemato - biochemical parameters studied were hemoglobin (Hb), packed cell
volume (PCV), total erythrocyte count (TEC), total serum cholesterol and total serum protein. It was
observed that the Hb, PCV, TEC, cholesterol and total protein were 9.09 g %, 27.24 %, 8.99 m/µl, 89.59
mg/dl and 6.56 gm/dl respectively in bucks and 8.64 g%, 25.94 %, 8.23 m/µl, 83.76 mg/dl and 6.30 gm/dl
respectively in does. Least squares analysis of variance showed that the sex of animal had significant effect
on all the haemato-biochemical parameters under study except PCV. The season was found to have
significant effect on all the traits under study except total serum cholesterol. Males were found to have
higher values for all the studied traits

Key words: Non-genetic factors, biochemical parameters and Bakerwali goat

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