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Case Report

Med Arch. 2014; 68(6): 422-423

The Pelvic Support Osteotomy After Type IVA Septic Arthritis of the Hip

Cen Bytyqi, Faton Morina, Nderim Salihaj, Hasime Qorraj, Dafina Bytyqi, Bujar Shabani.


Introduction: A misdiagnose and inadequate treatment of neonatal septic arthritis of the hip has multiple sequelae and causes a severe disability. The aim of this study is evaluation of treatment of residual deformity after type IVA neonatal septic arthritis of the hip by Pelvic support osteotomy. Case presentation: A 11-year-old, white girl, was treated surgically by pelvic support osteotomy. The patient underwent two surgical interventions. The first operation consists in lengthening of the left femur for 6 cm with monolateral lengthening external fixation device. The second operation consists in pelvic support osteotomy of the left femur and lengthening for 4 cm. The limb was well aligned after healing, with the axis aligned under the medial wall of the acetabulum. Conclusion: Pelvic support osteotomy can successfully correct a Trendelenburg-Duchenne gait and simultaneously restore knee alignment and correct lower-extremity length discrepancy.

Key words: Osteotomy, septic, arthritis, hip, pelvic

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