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Original Article

Med Arch. 2014; 68(6): 381-383

Diagnostic Significance of Reduced IgA in Children

Jasmina Nurkic, Fatima Numanovic, Lejla Arnautalic, Nijaz Tihic, Dzenan Halilovic, Mahira Jahic.


Introduction: The finding of reduced value of immunoglobulin A (IgA) in children is frequent in daily medical practice. It is important to correctly interpret the findings as adequate further diagnostic evaluation of the patient in order to make the determination on the significance of such findings. In children younger than 4 years always consider the transient impairment of immunoglobulins, maturation of child and his immune system can lead to an improvement in the clinical picture. In older children decreased IgA may lead to serious illnesses that need to be recognize and acknowledge through the appropriate diagnostic methods. Material and methods: Research was realized at the University Clinical Center Tuzla. Children with suspected deficient immune response due to reduced values of IgA observed and , goes through further diagnostic evaluation at the Polyclinic for Laboratory Medicine, Department of Immunology and Department of Microbiology, as well as the Clinic of Radiology. In the period of year 2013, there were a total of 91 patients with reduced values of IgA, age up to 13 years, of which 55 boys and 36 girls. Results: Our study followed 91 patients, for the year 2013, through their medical charts and made evaluation of diagnostic and screening tests. The significance of this paper is to draw attention to the importance of diagnostic approach to IgA deficient pediatric patient and relevance of knowledge of individual diagnostic methods as well as to the proper interpretation of the results thereof.

Key words: IgA deficiency, children, diagnostic evaluation.

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